When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and I could say, "I used everything you gave me."

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Single Red Rose

This week has been a really weird week for me. I usually try not to let myself get too stressed out with school and the happenings of my day. I try not to be bothered by the people around me. This week was an epic fail! I really struggled this week to be at peace with everything going in my life.

Growing up, I was a Daddy’s girl. The older I get, I am both a Daddy’s girl and my Mother’s daughter. I love both of my parents dearly and would spend every day with them if I could! One thing I did take after my mother was her style of prayer. If you have been following my blog from day one, this will come as no surprise to you. My mom’s love for St. Therese has been passed on to me. I can remember time after time she would pray for something, ask for a sign, and soon enough, a rose would come her way. (“I will let fall a shower of roses. I will spend my heaven, doing good on earth.” –St. Therese) The rose was always her sign that her prayer had been heard.

Towards the end of this week, I prayed for a lot of things! I often feel like I am not doing enough to share Jesus with others. I also feel like I am not in a place where I can do enough to help those who are less fortunate than myself. So I prayed. I prayed for St. Therese to offer me guidance; I prayed that in everything I do for others (no matter how big or small) that it be done with love; I prayed for the FOCUS missionaries who are positively impacting the lives of college students on a daily basis; I prayed for all missions everywhere; I prayed for God to calm the storm in my heart and to let me know that everything was going to be okay. Like I often do, I asked for a sign.

Last night, my dear friend, Levi, came home from the courtwarming game where he had won Mr. UMKC. He was wearing his crown, sash, etc. and carrying a red rose. After I congratulate him and give him a hug he says to me, “For you!” and hands me the beautiful red rose, without knowing of the prayer I had said.

A sign that my prayer had been heard? I think so.

Sidenote: Therese of Lisieux is one of the patron saints of the missions, not because she ever went anywhere, but because of her special love of the missions, and the prayers and letters she gave in support of missionaries. This is reminder to all of us who feel we can do nothing, that it is the little things that keep God's kingdom growing. St. Therese, pray for us!

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