When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and I could say, "I used everything you gave me."

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

To my Godchildren: Brock, Olivia, and Macy,

Brock, Olivia and Macy,
I love you every day.

Let me start by saying that I am so very lucky to be a Godmother. At the age of 18, I was asked to be a Godmother. Twice. I was beyond honored. At the age of 22, I was asked again. So here I am, 23 years old, with God's beautiful children looking up to me.

Brock Gregory :)

Olivia Anne :)

Macy Lynne :)

I have been thinking a lot lately about my Godchildren. Don’t get me wrong, I think about them and pray for them every single day. With the 38th anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision to legalize abortion passing recently, I have realized even more so just how blessed I am to have them in my life. Not only did I survive Roe vs. Wade, so did they. And I am thankful.

As I grow each day in my journey with Christ I am always searching to know more about the Catholic Church. Not only that, I am striving daily to be a living example of what it means to be a Christian to the people I come into contact with each day. I don’t always succeed. That’s what makes me human. I get up each day, and try again.

The past two days have been snow days, so I have had some free time to look into the history of Godparents in the Catholic Church, the role of the Godparent, etc. This is what I came up with, and some of the things that touched my heart the most.

As Godparents, we have the obligation to evangelize. According to Canon Law: 11. Before all others, parents are bound to form their children, by word and example, in faith and in Christian living. The same obligation binds godparents and those who take the place of parents. (Canon 774.2)

The Role of the Godparent: “The principal responsibility of a godparent is to give witness to the Catholic faith by his words and actions. When it concerns a child, he or she must be ready to accept the responsibility of being a part of the godchild's life for the remaining of his/her life. A godparent must have his eyes fixed on the Lord, believing that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. [Jn. 14:6] Not only must he believe it, he must be prepared to share his belief with his godchild. Within reason, a godparent must be available to his godchild on a continuous basis. He must have a special interest in the spiritual growth of the child.

Wow, I was blown away. Yes, I knew the responsibilities that were placed upon me each time I was asked to be a Godparent. After reading these words over and over I am even more excited about the responsibilities that have been placed in my hand.

My mom always told me her only real goal in life was to meet all of her children and their families in heaven some day. Until I have a family of my own (God-willing), I have made that a goal of my own – to meet all of my family in heaven someday. Ever since I have became a Godmother four and a half years ago, a new goal has been added. My goal is to see to it that my Godchildren make it to heaven

As I write this blog, I am reminded of my own Godparents, my Aunt Joan and Uncle Donnie. I cannot even begin to put into words how they have helped me in my journey. They are living examples of what it means to be Christ to others. They love and give with everything they have. In my heart I know that when my parents chose them for me, they had all of those things listed above in mind. My parents knew they were choosing the very best for me!

I can’t help but think of my proxy Godparents, who stood in for Joan and Donnie on the day of my Baptism. We lived in Colorado at the time. My parents chose Ken and Jean to stand in on that day. They grew to be longtime family friends, and Ken lost his battle with Leukemia this Christmas. The last time I saw him was the summer of 2007, I believe.

Rest In Peace, Ken. I hope to see you in heaven someday!

I have truly been blessed with Christian examples, and I plan on doing the best I can so that my Godchildren have this in their life. In my high school yearbook senior year, we were asked to choose a quote to put next to our picture. The quote I chose was this: “Live your life in such a way that there will be no regrets if someone were to follow in your footsteps.” Funny how that quote comes to my mind almost daily.

I love you Brock, Olivia and Macy.

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