This specific post was inspired by Tanner. Really, I loved reading your list and hope at least one person will get the same enjoyment out of reading mine! Some random things you should probably know about me!
1.I am so extremely obsessed with Haiti. Just ask Katie LeGros or Brittany Galvin how addicting it is. I fell in love with the country and the people the moment I stepped off the plane.
2.I have mixed feelings about graduate school next year. I am so excited to begin the next phase in my life, but I’m very nervous about living anywhere other than Monroe City or Quincy.
3.My biggest fear at this point in my life is losing my parents. I am so lucky to have them in my life. My parents are absolutely amazing and I can’t thank them enough for bringing me up the way they have.
4.I hate popcorn. Everything about it. The smell, the taste, the texture. I’ve only met a few other people who feel the same way… my siblings, and Brian.
5.My family is my world. Being the baby of the fam is my fav. My siblings really know how to take care of me! This also includes the in laws, my nieces and nephews, and extended fam =) Sydney, my puppy and Scooter, my horse included!!
6. Being an aunt is possibly the most amazing part of my life. My nieces and nephews make me feel like a million bucks, and I only wish I got to see them more! I’m sooooo excited for Baby Painter =) Only 192(ish) days until the due date!
7.Disney movies are my weakness. Maybe it’s because I can’t resist with Olivia wants to watch one?!! Or maybe it’s because I’ll always be a kid at heart.
8.I’m a biology major and I love love love it! After I get my Masters in Occupational Therapy, I want to own my own practice someday.
9.I have really random OCD tendencies… my dvds are in abc order, my closet and drawers are all color coded… it’s getting worse. So much for making fun of Mandy the past 22 years of my life.. :)
10.I CAN’T WAIT to go back to Haiti. I love the simple life they lead, and the happiness they have in their lives even though they are living in extreme poverty. I miss the people I met there more than I ever imagined I would!
11.I have been to 31 of the states, and plan on going to all of them before I die!
12.My first truck was a stick shift, and I loved it because not many of my friends could drive it!
13.I’m obsessed with Livestrong… the clothes, the foundation, the man behind it all. It amazes me. (Twin, the shirt you got me for my birthday = amazing.)
14.I have a tattoo of a Jesus fish on my left foot.
15.I love country music, but my ipod holds a lot of randomness to it… I like to try new things :)
16.I have a personal trainer. His name is Nate Toole :)
17.I don’t really like the Midwest mainly because of the weather and it being so cold, but it will always hold a place in my heart because that’s where my fam is. This is also why I will probably never leave the area.
18.I am very highly allergic to poison ivy… to the point I’ve had it for 2 months at a time.
19.I’m a typical girl, and think about my wedding day all the time. The thing I’m most excited about is having my Pops walk me down the aisle. I am the biggest Daddy’s Girl in the world and I think the hardest thing in marriage for me will be making room for another man in my life!
20.I love my Godchildren, Brock and Olivia and am very blessed to have them as a part of my life!
21.I collect shotglasses… and I’ve been a Packers fan since the second grade… both thanks to my brother, Marcus. I guess I just always wanted to be like him!! Ha..
22.A few of my favorite things… white grape peach juice, animal crackers with rainbow chip icing.
23.I love shoes, but I love being barefoot. It doesn’t make sense at all, I know.
24.I love the number 24! It’s been my favorite for as long as I can remember.
25.My Confirmation name is Sebastian… patron saint of athletes and soldiers!
26.My favorite TV shows are Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice, Greek and Family Guy.
27.I am 22 years old, but I sleep with a teddy bear every night. Her name is Haiti…the obsession continues! (Thanks Brady!)
28.I go to bed at 11 every night and wake up at 7 every morning. Yes, I am a lame college student.
29.I love to read. Give me a good book and I am lost for hours!
30.My boyfriend is amazing. He’s everything I could ever ask for and more!
31.I have a twin. Her name is Gabrielle, and she was born 3 years after me. You see, we aren’t really related at all, but we are practically the same person in different bodies. It’s true and it kind of scared me at first. But I’ve found one of my very best friends and I love her very much!
32.I live with Kari Miller – we have cute lights on our front porch and personalized stockings for Christmas.
33.I miss my Grandpa Yates more and more every single day. I can’t believe it’s been 12 years…
34.I miss high jumping, and high school basketball more than I ever thought I would!
35.I love pictures, my TEC Bible, collecting shotglasses, cereal and my jeep.
36.I love how I don’t even have to order my breakfast at the UC. Lynn and Dimple know exactly what I want. And they know to leave the bacon off on the Friday’s during Lent. (One more thing I will miss about QU…)
37.Two Words: Stretch Hummer
38.Zane and Zavier make me happy when I can’t see my nieces and nephews for a very long time. They are the most beautiful blue eyed, blonde haired boys I have ever seen in my life.
39.I have two brothers and one sister-in-law serving in the US Navy. I’m so proud of them :)
40.I am one of 35(ish) grandkids on my Mom’s side alone!