When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and I could say, "I used everything you gave me."

Monday, November 23, 2009

My Bucket List

September 25, 2003

My List of Things to Do:

1)Go to all 50 states: I have already been to Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, Mississippi, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.
2)Places I want to visit (or visit again) outside of the US: Haiti (I will probably go back a hundred times!), Australia, Figi, Vatican City, Medjegorie, Peru, Greece, Egypt, Ireland, the Holy Land.
3)Go on a Disney Cruise (well… any cruise… I just really like Disney!)
4)Go on a service trip each year (so far successful since my sophomore year of high school!)
5)Meet the man of my dreams.
6)Get married in the Catholic church (preferably Holy Rosary Catholic Church
7)Raise a family
8)Learn how to drive on a stick shift, and then own a jeep of some sort.
9)Go to a game at Lambeau Field. (too bad Brett won't be there playing!)
10)Go to a WNBA game.
11)Make at least All-Conference in at least two sports in high school. Track – 1600 and Basketball
12)Win MVP of my high school basketball team.
13)Ride horseback along the beach.
14)Become a college athlete. (This one won't ever happen now. I was hoping QU would pull through for me and get a Cross Country team a year earlier!!)
15)Go to the Olympics (to watch Brian pole vault!!)
16)Go to the ocean.
17)Live by the ocean (not forever… just for awhile, maybe for grad school?! Maybe not at all…).
18)Become an Occupational Therapist. Then maybe a youth minister, basketball coach and a photographer on the side.
19)Graduate from college – both undergrad (with a Biology major) and with my Masters in OT (Rockhurst)

20)Become a godmother.

21)Host a foreign exchange student.
22)Climb a mountain. (Cement Mountain, Mount Bierdstadt – over 14,000 ft)
23)Go back to Lamar, Colorado (where I was born) as an adult
24)Graduate in the top 10 of my high school class. (9th)
25)Graduate from college with honors. (also not going to happen. Thank you Chemistry!!)
26)Own a huge tank of tropical fish.
27)Bungee jump or sky dive
28)Have my Pops walk me down the aisle.
29)Casting Crowns concert
30)Learn how to ice skate.
31)Go skiing in Colorado.
32)Win a state Championship. (We won two -- both for Track in 2003 and 2004!)
33)Learn how to play the drums.
34)Adopt a child (maybe one from Haiti!!)
35)Study abroad… or have in internship or job (preferably in Australia!) Doubtful though, so maybe just a vacation?!
36)Run a half-marathon.
37)Design/build my own house.
38)Go Snorkeling, skydiving, swim with the dolphins in Hawaii.
39)Take surfing lessons.
40)Own a restaurant/diner. Call it Coach’s Corner… a place for the kids to hang out/eat after games etc.
41)Start or own my own Occupational Therapy Practice.
42)Name my first son Silas (family name) and my first daughter Sydney. (Of course, my husband will probably have other plans!! And I’m willing to compromise, I guess.)
43)Celie’s Waterfront Inn, Baltimore, Maryland

There will be more to come. The list just keeps growing :)

Also, the ones I've already done are the ones in bold!

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