When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and I could say, "I used everything you gave me."

Sunday, December 11, 2011

11 Things I Love About What Happened in the First 24 Hours I Was Home:

Why 11 things you ask?! It seems like a pretty random number, I know.  Or if you know me at all, you may not even be questioning for a second why the number has no rhyme or reason to it and you may simply be enjoying with me the randomness of this little journey I call life.  

1. Immediately having that peaceful feeling I get inside as I turned onto MCo Rd 375 --- seeing the horses in the pasture, the wide open spaces, the barn and the home I grew up in warms my heart.

Home. Sweet. Home.
2. Spending my first night at home with my Goddaughter/niece, Macy.  She is such a happy child and is a constant reminder of how beautiful it is to be a Godmother and an Aunt.  Hearing her ask for "Aunt Cece" --it makes me melt.  I love seeing the way she interacts with Gingaw and Papa and how she constantly wants to show her affection.  It makes me very happy as a Godmother to see her pointing to pictures of and saying over and over the names of Jesus and Mary.  The sweet sweet sound of her voice when she sings her ABC's, Alleluia, or Ring Around the Rosie is music to my ears.  And to see her love on my dog, Haiti - it's absolutely precious.  These are just a few of my favorites.  The list could go on forever.

3. The stars lit up at the top of the Farmer's Elevator.  Even though we live a few miles outside of town, I can still see them after dark.  They have been there for as long as I can remember and have shown over our town through some of the darkest days, including the tornado that ripped apart our little farm town my Senior year of high school.

4. Enjoying the company of my parents in front of a warm fireplace after a long day together.  It was the perfect way to end my day.

5. Waking up at 2 AM to Macy standing up in her bed, looking at Haiti beside her in her kennel.  Over and over she said, "Haiti you so funny (insert cutuest giggle ever here)."

6. Waking up (at a decent hour this time) to a fresh pot of coffee - compliments of my Pops.  I am very thankful I can count on that every day :)

7. Going to Mass at my home parish.  Appreciating the New Translation.  Seeing familiar faces and seeing my Pops back on the altar resuming his duties as a Deacon for the first time since his knee surgery.

8. Eating breakfast at the VFW Hall with Mom after Mass - and seeing half of the people from Mass there.  What can I say?  It is simply the best.

9. Hitting golf balls in the back yard/field with Lunchbox (my brother-in-law).  Golf is one of the few sports I never tried, but today I decided it was worth a shot. :) I could see this becoming a hobby.

10. Visiting my Granny at the nursing home and seeing that she is just as happy as ever - confused, but happy.  And for that, I am  thankful.

11. Running into Ruthie at the grocery store.  Since she is the closest thing I will ever have to a second Mom, her excitement to see me was wonderful.  I love seeing people unexpectedly :)

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